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Finding Nothing, Eating Nothing
朋友從臉書傳來:原士林夜市蚵仔煎小開,帶著三義客家名廚的大千金私奔屏東,深藏在長治巷弄的紅磚三合院。少夫老妻憑藉著台、客雙味,祖傳的 DNA,鍋碗瓢盆叮咚響:客式椒麻雞、家傳豬腳、回香牛腩、老爸燉肉、麻油肉片……樣樣難不倒。記得臉書上有人曾經特別提醒:附近的巷子狹小,車身常被刮到,為了不想在剛認識的女生面前丟臉,找個藉口,把借來的新車停得遠遠的。兩人齊步:右腳左轉到下一條巷口,左腳再右轉到底,七八分鐘分鐘以後,身體又過一戶紅門人家,就是——找不到!
Finding Nothing, Eating Nothing
A news from a friend through Facebook: The son of the oyster omelet vendor in the Shilin Night Market ran away with the oldest daughter of an eminent Hakka chef from Sanyi. They hid in an old red-brick residential compound at a small lane in Changzhi Village, Pingtung County. Inheriting recipes from their parents, the couple, a much younger husband married to a much older wife, were very good at cooking Taiwanese and Hakka dishes. With very noisy tasks in the kitchen, the ding-ding-dong-dong of the spatula hitting pots, woks, or bowls—Hakka peppered chicken, pig’s feet in the family-style marinating, anise sirloin, Dad’s stew pork, sesame oil pork slices… there was nothing they couldn’t produce. On Facebook someone commented that the place was behind a narrow lane, drivers should be cautious not to scratch their cars. Men on a date would be well advised not to take the challenge, but park the borrowed car far away and walk the rest of the way. Turn your right leg left to the lane and turn your left leg right to the end. After seven or eight minutes, walk past each of the households with a red door, and there you go—Finding Nothing Restaurant.
Welcome: The Art of Invitation《招.術》_Ben YU
Bride Sugarcane, Worship of Heaven
新竹縣關西鎮 /2020
阿中奉兒女之命,農曆過年前三天,有本事、沒本事,辦個喜事好交代。日子不挑,八字不合,婚前健康檢查?沒聽過!迎娶當天,天空作美,放炮舅仔車、新娘車、伴郎尾車,浩浩蕩蕩氣派十足。車隊先停甘蔗園外,拜把兄弟下車檢查:車頭彩、米篩、捧花,就差一根甘蔗。「 老闆娘,車頂用,連根帶葉、透腳青竹一枝」「 來了!來了!翁姑夫婦,子孫有福。甘蔗,我店後園子現拔的,連根有土、帶尾,有頭有尾、生生不息。」「老闆娘!另外再替我準備兩根甘蔗,初九拜天公,回程的時候再來拿。 對了!今天的新娘屬虎喔!」「 沒關係,生豬肉就免了。」
Because his girlfriend was pregnant, Ah-Chung planned his wedding three days before the lunar new year, to meet his responsibility no matter if he was ready or not. The date was not an auspicious day, and the astrological signs of the groom and bride did not match. Did they have a pre-marriage physical examination? Never heard of such a thing. Nonetheless, the weather was perfect on their wedding day; the procession consisted of the car of the groom’s uncles and cousins who were in charge of firecrackers, the car for the bride, and the cars for the best men. The fleet of cars rode magnificently. They parked outside of the sugarcane field first; the groomsmen went out to check the car decorations, the rice strainer, and the bride’s bouquet, among other things. A sugarcane was the only thing missing. “Madam, we need one whole sugarcane plant to be carried on the car roof. It must be with roots and leaves, a very healthy plant.” “Here! Here you go! From parents-in-law to the newlyweds, and the offspring as well, all are blessed. The sugarcanes were just harvested from the field behind this store. They remained so fresh that their roots were still filled with dirt, and their heads were still intact. With heads and tails, they symbolized endless lives.” “Madam, please prepare another two for our worship of heaven on the ninth day of the lunar new year. We will pick them up on our way back. Oh, the zodiac sign of the bride is a tiger, for your information.” “It’s alright, just skip the raw pork.”
* In a traditional wedding, the groom and his family tie red envelopes and pork with red string at the root of a bamboo or sugarcane plant to distract the evil spirit called White Tiger. In the case that the bride’s zodiac sign is a tiger, there is no need to use pork.
Bride Sugarcane, Worship of Heaven
新竹縣關西鎮 /2020
阿中奉兒女之命,農曆過年前三天,有本事、沒本事,辦個喜事好交代。日子不挑,八字不合,婚前健康檢查?沒聽過!迎娶當天,天空作美,放炮舅仔車、新娘車、伴郎尾車,浩浩蕩蕩氣派十足。車隊先停甘蔗園外,拜把兄弟下車檢查:車頭彩、米篩、捧花,就差一根甘蔗。「 老闆娘,車頂用,連根帶葉、透腳青竹一枝」「 來了!來了!翁姑夫婦,子孫有福。甘蔗,我店後園子現拔的,連根有土、帶尾,有頭有尾、生生不息。」「老闆娘!另外再替我準備兩根甘蔗,初九拜天公,回程的時候再來拿。 對了!今天的新娘屬虎喔!」「 沒關係,生豬肉就免了。」
Because his girlfriend was pregnant, Ah-Chung planned his wedding three days before the lunar new year, to meet his responsibility no matter if he was ready or not. The date was not an auspicious day, and the astrological signs of the groom and bride did not match. Did they have a pre-marriage physical examination? Never heard of such a thing. Nonetheless, the weather was perfect on their wedding day; the procession consisted of the car of the groom’s uncles and cousins who were in charge of firecrackers, the car for the bride, and the cars for the best men. The fleet of cars rode magnificently. They parked outside of the sugarcane field first; the groomsmen went out to check the car decorations, the rice strainer, and the bride’s bouquet, among other things. A sugarcane was the only thing missing. “Madam, we need one whole sugarcane plant to be carried on the car roof. It must be with roots and leaves, a very healthy plant.” “Here! Here you go! From parents-in-law to the newlyweds, and the offspring as well, all are blessed. The sugarcanes were just harvested from the field behind this store. They remained so fresh that their roots were still filled with dirt, and their heads were still intact. With heads and tails, they symbolized endless lives.” “Madam, please prepare another two for our worship of heaven on the ninth day of the lunar new year. We will pick them up on our way back. Oh, the zodiac sign of the bride is a tiger, for your information.” “It’s alright, just skip the raw pork.”
* In a traditional wedding, the groom and his family tie red envelopes and pork with red string at the root of a bamboo or sugarcane plant to distract the evil spirit called White Tiger. In the case that the bride’s zodiac sign is a tiger, there is no need to use pork.
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